II. Photo Gallery
Welcome to the Fitness Resort
In Motion is a majestic 6 acre Mediterranean resort.
Exhilarating. Uplifting. Evocative.
A near-mythical Mediterranean Fitness Village Ambiance.
Exterior View of “The Sky Room”
The Art of Fitness
Ten Intimate Boutique Studios
Galaxy Cycle Studio
Legendary Selection of Group Exercise Classes
Over 400 Free classes per month
Circular campus of indoor and outdoor studios, pools, running track, etc.
Mega Fitness - 10 Strength Training & Cardio Areas
Main Free Weight Room
Cardio Theater
Executive Lockers - Opulent. Exclusive. Private.
2 Hours of free childcare everyday... ENOUGH SAID.

In Motion is a majestic 6 acre Mediterranean resort.

Exhilarating. Uplifting. Evocative.

A near-mythical Mediterranean Fitness Village Ambiance.

Exterior View of “The Sky Room”

The Art of Fitness

Ten Intimate Boutique Studios

Galaxy Cycle Studio

Legendary Selection of Group Exercise Classes

Over 400 Free classes per month

Circular campus of indoor and outdoor studios, pools, running track, etc.

Mega Fitness - 10 Strength Training & Cardio Areas

Main Free Weight Room

Cardio Theater

Executive Lockers - Opulent. Exclusive. Private.

2 Hours of free childcare everyday... ENOUGH SAID.
10 Boutique Fitness Studios
Galaxy Cycle Studio - Unique enticing spaces
Galaxy Cycle Studio- Splendorous. Showstopping. Blissful.
The Sky Room - Thoughtfully curated and creatively crafted
Southside Fitness - A two story bamboo-rainforest styled studio
Butterfly Yoga Studio- Serenity. Elegance. Tranquility.
Gold Studio - Pristine, clean & completely Remodeled
Women’s Only Studio - Privately located within the Women’s Locker Room.
Bamboo Stretching Room - A hidden gem near the Cardio theater.
Muscle Beach - Inspired by Venice Beach
Personal Training Studio A - Elite Instructors

Galaxy Cycle Studio - Unique enticing spaces

Galaxy Cycle Studio- Splendorous. Showstopping. Blissful.

The Sky Room - Thoughtfully curated and creatively crafted

Southside Fitness - A two story bamboo-rainforest styled studio

Butterfly Yoga Studio- Serenity. Elegance. Tranquility.

Gold Studio - Pristine, clean & completely Remodeled

Women’s Only Studio - Privately located within the Women’s Locker Room.

Bamboo Stretching Room - A hidden gem near the Cardio theater.

Muscle Beach - Inspired by Venice Beach

Personal Training Studio A - Elite Instructors
Outdoor Fitness Extraordinaire
A trendsetting Fitness phenomenon awaits you.
Outdoor Weight Room - Six powerlifting racks and so much more.
Running Track - Walk, jog, lunge, stroll or sprint this artistically landscaped 880’ oval track.
Muscle Beach - A nook off the running track
Intentional viewshed designs allow you to see fitness and activities from all perspectives.

A trendsetting Fitness phenomenon awaits you.

Outdoor Weight Room - Six powerlifting racks and so much more.

Running Track - Walk, jog, lunge, stroll or sprint this artistically landscaped 880’ oval track.

Muscle Beach - A nook off the running track

Intentional viewshed designs allow you to see fitness and activities from all perspectives.
Aquatics Complex
Northern California's Premier Aquatics Center.
Unique Outdoor/Indoor Design.
Home to the North Valley Swim School.
Always warm at 92. Perfect for water
Relax, refresh and play
15 Invigorating water features for endless entertainment
Relax. Rendezvous. Recover. 99° & 104°.
Enlighten your senses and savor the resort ambiance
Top aquatics facility in the World. Awarded by Aquatics International.

Northern California's Premier Aquatics Center.

Unique Outdoor/Indoor Design.

Home to the North Valley Swim School.

Always warm at 92. Perfect for water

Relax, refresh and play

15 Invigorating water features for endless entertainment

Relax. Rendezvous. Recover. 99° & 104°.

Enlighten your senses and savor the resort ambiance

Top aquatics facility in the World. Awarded by Aquatics International.
10 Strength & Cardio Areas
An adrenalizing haven. A circular orbit of weight rooms, studios & outdoor lifting hubs
Main Free Weight Room: An endless selection of weight lifting stations, racks & rigs.
West Free Weight Room - In Motion’s secondary weight room.
Outdoor Weight Room - Under the Tents.
Cardio Theater- Guaranteed to get your heart pumping.
The Fitness Promenade - Five water arches inside the promenade
East and west circuit weight room

An adrenalizing haven. A circular orbit of weight rooms, studios & outdoor lifting hubs

Main Free Weight Room: An endless selection of weight lifting stations, racks & rigs.

West Free Weight Room - In Motion’s secondary weight room.

Outdoor Weight Room - Under the Tents.

Cardio Theater- Guaranteed to get your heart pumping.

The Fitness Promenade - Five water arches inside the promenade

East and west circuit weight room
Artisans Tour
Fitness Promenade Ceiling Mural
Randall John
Mosaic Front Desk Tile
Custom Floor Mats
Decorative floor mats throughout the club
Ariana Moyo
Skyroom Mural
Redding Group
Skyroom Mural
Redding Group
Skyroom Wall Mural
In Motion Graphics and Dragon Graphics
In Mo Hall of fame
Artist Coming Soon
Skyroom Murals
Redding Group
Metal Palm Tree
Jeff Lindsay
In Motion Orb and tower tile
Artist Coming Soon
In Mo goes Hollywood
In Motion Graphics and Dragon Graphics
Skyroom Ceiling
Search for the hidden IMF logos in the clouds
Tropic like it's HOT
Enjoy this magnificent collection done by In Mo's graphic designer, Kiana Pippitt
Women’s Locker Room Mural
Artist Unknown
Main Free Weight Room Arch Mural
Designed by In Motion Graphics & Ariana Moyo
Glass Etching
Joel Wilkinson
Gold Room Show
Enjoy our 42" disco ball with GOBO lights, ribbon light strips and horizontal wall strip lighting installed by Lindsey Glass and In Motion Engineering.
In Mo Custom Crown Molding
In Mo Engineering
Main Free Weight Room Mural
Designed by In Motion Graphics & Ariana Moyo
One Mile Photo
Ariana Moyo
Bear Hole - Upper Park
Chico ER
Upper Park
Chico ER
Monkey Face
Lori Eckhart
“Butte”ful Butte Creek Canyon
Ariana Moyo
“Little Grand Canyon” - Butte Creek
Anthony Dunn
Look Out Point
Ariana Moyo
Monkey Face Design
Ariana Moyo
Monkey Evolution
See the evolution of In Mo's famous monkey face logo
By In Motion's Graphic Designer Ariana Moyo
Galaxy Studio- Out of this world lighting
Asteroid light fixtures with matching sconces
By Lindsay Glass
Galaxy Studio- Wall Art Wrap
Dragon Graphics and Ariana Moyo.
Find the Star Wars scene in our Out of This World galaxy wrap.
Galaxy Studio- Ceiling Art Wraps
Dragon Graphics and Ariana Moyo.
Enjoy cycling under neon constellations.
Galaxy Studio- Ceiling Art Wraps
Dragon Graphics and Ariana Moyo.
Search for the hidden IMF logos in the sky.
Galaxy Studio - Mosaic Tile
Christen Derr
Bamboo Studio - Custom Railing and Blue Zone lighting
Lindsay Glass
Kids In Motion - 150 feet under the Sea Mural
Lauri Chiodini
Kids In Motion - Stroller Parking
Lauri Chiodini
Kids In Motion - Mosaic Floor Designs
Lauri Chiodini
Kids In Motion - Mosaic Floor Designs
Lauri Chiodini
Caribbean Color Playground and House
Iron Phoenix
Caribbean Color Playground and House
Iron Phoenix
Fire Lights
Enjoy Fire and Water Elements in Personal Training Studio A
By Jeff Lindsay
Ocean Lights
Enjoy Fire and Water Elements in Personal Training Studio A
By Chase Lundgren
In Mo Fit Logo
Kiana Pippitt
Light Show: Pendant Champagne Lighting
Lindsay Glass
In Mo Paintings
Found in Membership Hallway
Janet Blinx
In Mo Paintings
Found in Membership Office
Janet Blinx
Mosaic Tile in Yoga Studio
Cooie Lavin
Butterfly Stained Glass Sconces and Art in Yoga Studio
Mick Needham
Bronze Sunray Ceiling in Yoga Studio
Jeff Lindsay
Teardrop Variable Lighting System in Yoga Studio Ceiling
Advanced Electric & Sound
Bamboo Wallpaper in Southside
In Mo Graphics Department & Dragon Graphics
Bamboo Hall Mural in Southside
Chase Lunger & Christine MacShane
Track Mural
Artist coming soon
6 feet Dragonfly Sculpture
Art Unknown
Muscle Beach Mural
David Selkirk
Muscle Beach Mural
David Selkirk
Track Mural
Chase Lundgren
Track Mural
Christine MacShane

Fitness Promenade Ceiling Mural
Randall John

Mosaic Front Desk Tile

Custom Floor Mats
Decorative floor mats throughout the club Ariana Moyo

Skyroom Mural
Redding Group

Skyroom Mural
Redding Group

Skyroom Wall Mural
In Motion Graphics and Dragon Graphics

In Mo Hall of fame
Artist Coming Soon

Skyroom Murals
Redding Group

Metal Palm Tree
Jeff Lindsay

In Motion Orb and tower tile
Artist Coming Soon

In Mo goes Hollywood
In Motion Graphics and Dragon Graphics

Skyroom Ceiling
Search for the hidden IMF logos in the clouds

Tropic like it's HOT
Enjoy this magnificent collection done by In Mo's graphic designer, Kiana Pippitt

Women’s Locker Room Mural
Artist Unknown

Main Free Weight Room Arch Mural
Designed by In Motion Graphics & Ariana Moyo

Glass Etching
Joel Wilkinson

Gold Room Show
Enjoy our 42" disco ball with GOBO lights, ribbon light strips and horizontal wall strip lighting installed by Lindsey Glass and In Motion Engineering.

In Mo Custom Crown Molding
In Mo Engineering

Main Free Weight Room Mural
Designed by In Motion Graphics & Ariana Moyo

One Mile Photo
Ariana Moyo

Bear Hole - Upper Park
Chico ER

Upper Park
Chico ER

Monkey Face
Lori Eckhart

“Butte”ful Butte Creek Canyon
Ariana Moyo

“Little Grand Canyon” - Butte Creek
Anthony Dunn

Look Out Point
Ariana Moyo

Monkey Face Design
Ariana Moyo

Monkey Evolution
See the evolution of In Mo's famous monkey face logo By In Motion's Graphic Designer Ariana Moyo

Galaxy Studio- Out of this world lighting
Asteroid light fixtures with matching sconces By Lindsay Glass

Galaxy Studio- Wall Art Wrap
Dragon Graphics and Ariana Moyo. Find the Star Wars scene in our Out of This World galaxy wrap.

Galaxy Studio- Ceiling Art Wraps
Dragon Graphics and Ariana Moyo. Enjoy cycling under neon constellations.

Galaxy Studio- Ceiling Art Wraps
Dragon Graphics and Ariana Moyo. Search for the hidden IMF logos in the sky.

Galaxy Studio - Mosaic Tile
Christen Derr

Bamboo Studio - Custom Railing and Blue Zone lighting
Lindsay Glass

Kids In Motion - 150 feet under the Sea Mural
Lauri Chiodini

Kids In Motion - Stroller Parking
Lauri Chiodini

Kids In Motion - Mosaic Floor Designs
Lauri Chiodini

Kids In Motion - Mosaic Floor Designs
Lauri Chiodini

Caribbean Color Playground and House
Iron Phoenix

Caribbean Color Playground and House
Iron Phoenix

Fire Lights
Enjoy Fire and Water Elements in Personal Training Studio A By Jeff Lindsay

Ocean Lights
Enjoy Fire and Water Elements in Personal Training Studio A By Chase Lundgren

In Mo Fit Logo
Kiana Pippitt

Light Show: Pendant Champagne Lighting
Lindsay Glass

In Mo Paintings
Found in Membership Hallway Janet Blinx

In Mo Paintings
Found in Membership Office Janet Blinx

Mosaic Tile in Yoga Studio
Cooie Lavin

Butterfly Stained Glass Sconces and Art in Yoga Studio
Mick Needham

Bronze Sunray Ceiling in Yoga Studio
Jeff Lindsay

Teardrop Variable Lighting System in Yoga Studio Ceiling
Advanced Electric & Sound

Bamboo Wallpaper in Southside
In Mo Graphics Department & Dragon Graphics

Bamboo Hall Mural in Southside
Chase Lunger & Christine MacShane

Track Mural
Artist coming soon

6 feet Dragonfly Sculpture
Art Unknown

Muscle Beach Mural
David Selkirk

Muscle Beach Mural
David Selkirk

Track Mural
Chase Lundgren

Track Mural
Christine MacShane
Garden Tour
Rose Gardens
Delight in the splendor of 300 fragrant and luxurious Hybrid Tea Roses. The romantic lure of the “Queen of Flowers”
Palm Trees
Enjoy hundreds of exquisite palm trees featuring 23 varieties: Canary Island, Chamrap, Date, Fan, Pindo, Queen, Sego Palms, Banana Trees, etc.
Tropical Plants
Encounter beautiful scintillating tropical flower specimens including : Birds of Paradise, Bougainvilleas, Angel Trumpets, Cana Lilies, etc.
Hummingbird/Butterfly Gardens
Enlighten your senses and witness many exotic hummingbirds and butterflies, attracted by hummingbird feeders, bird houses and specific succulent flower selections.

Rose Gardens
Delight in the splendor of 300 fragrant and luxurious Hybrid Tea Roses. The romantic lure of the “Queen of Flowers”

Palm Trees
Enjoy hundreds of exquisite palm trees featuring 23 varieties: Canary Island, Chamrap, Date, Fan, Pindo, Queen, Sego Palms, Banana Trees, etc.

Tropical Plants
Encounter beautiful scintillating tropical flower specimens including : Birds of Paradise, Bougainvilleas, Angel Trumpets, Cana Lilies, etc.

Hummingbird/Butterfly Gardens
Enlighten your senses and witness many exotic hummingbirds and butterflies, attracted by hummingbird feeders, bird houses and specific succulent flower selections.
Palatial Expansions
30 years of Innovation and Imagination
From a small shoe string budget gym… to a six acre legendary Mediterranean Fitness Resort.
Grand Opening - 1992
In Motion opened with uninhibited passion and fire. Roaring with confidence, we immediately dominated the aerobic/group exercise and fitness scene.
1992 Construction Included
Front desk, Cardio-Theater, Main Free Weight Room, Gold Studio, one restroom, small kids area (where the cafe is now). No locker rooms for 2 years.
“The Fly Girls”
From funk classes to super abs and since our inception, we have hosted the industry's most skilled instructors and dynamic classes. Truly the heart beat of In Mo.
California’s First Cardio Theater
Constructed amphitheater style. Chico’s largest aerobics studio, largest Free Weight Room in the area and the largest cardio center was born.
Clarity of Vision.
Neo-Mediterranean design from the very beginning.
Thankful and humbled by our member’s support.
From the start, we were family… Team In Mo and members as numerous members even helped unpack truckloads of weight plates and weight machines.

30 years of Innovation and Imagination
From a small shoe string budget gym… to a six acre legendary Mediterranean Fitness Resort.

Grand Opening - 1992
In Motion opened with uninhibited passion and fire. Roaring with confidence, we immediately dominated the aerobic/group exercise and fitness scene.

1992 Construction Included
Front desk, Cardio-Theater, Main Free Weight Room, Gold Studio, one restroom, small kids area (where the cafe is now). No locker rooms for 2 years.

“The Fly Girls”
From funk classes to super abs and since our inception, we have hosted the industry's most skilled instructors and dynamic classes. Truly the heart beat of In Mo.

California’s First Cardio Theater
Constructed amphitheater style. Chico’s largest aerobics studio, largest Free Weight Room in the area and the largest cardio center was born.

Clarity of Vision.
Neo-Mediterranean design from the very beginning.

Thankful and humbled by our member’s support.
From the start, we were family… Team In Mo and members as numerous members even helped unpack truckloads of weight plates and weight machines.
Member Testimonials
In Motion Fitness is my home away from home...
I love this place because when I feel the weight of my life, In Motion reminds me of just how strong I am! I remember my worth.
Love In Motion Fitness...
Because it’s chalked full of people that remind me I can be bigger and do better.
Our Girl Squad LOVES In Motion Fitness!!
It’s our happy place! So much to do, it’s like a big kids healthy paradise!

In Motion Fitness is my home away from home...
I love this place because when I feel the weight of my life, In Motion reminds me of just how strong I am! I remember my worth.

Love In Motion Fitness...
Because it’s chalked full of people that remind me I can be bigger and do better.

Our Girl Squad LOVES In Motion Fitness!!
It’s our happy place! So much to do, it’s like a big kids healthy paradise!
About Us
We started at the bottom, now we’re here.
In Motion originated in a 2 car garage as “In Motion Personal Fitness” offering personal training and personal aerobic classes. Six palatial expansions later and VOILà... Chico’s treasured health club, In Motion Fitness, emerged, flourished and matured into this breathtaking Mediterranean Fitness Village.
Always Aspiring to be Awesome
This is more than a job. This is our LIFESTYLE. 29 years later we are still OBSESSED with improving every week, every month and every year. We love what we do and honor the team we perform with. We are humbled and proud to have won the“Best of Chico” 28 years in a row. Tenaciously we plan to win it again.
Team. Family. Love. Pride.
In Mo Family - A Culture of Positivity
We hire and surround ourselves with kind, caring, hard working, optimistic individuals that embody a supportive, comfortable, fun environment for teammates and for members.
We feel honored to be a part of the In Mo Family and culture.
Clarity of Vision
Creating a deeper meaning for both design and function. We offer a painstakingly curated mix of neo-mediterranean architecture, inspiring artwork, tropical palm trees, state-of-the-art equipment, Caribbean colored pools, and a life-time of wholesome fitness.
Dedication. Community. Impactful.
Making a difference is inevitably important to us. To ultimately and definitely change and improve our Chico community is why we so passionately do what we do. We’re still hungry, chasing perfection and in constant pursuit of new levels.
Small Town Charm. World Class Fitness.
Work Ethic. Together. Team.
We honor the hard work ethic, the daily grind and the professionalism of our entire dream team, including all 12 departments and a workforce of 200.
Please enjoy and appreciate the attention to detail and the daily pursuit of “Five Diamond Cleanliness”. From our facilities and engineering teams, the lifelong gym dedication to their craft from our Group Ex, Aqua and Fitness instructors and the impeccable member service for all 12 departments.

We started at the bottom, now we’re here.
In Motion originated in a 2 car garage as “In Motion Personal Fitness” offering personal training and personal aerobic classes. Six palatial expansions later and VOILà... Chico’s treasured health club, In Motion Fitness, emerged, flourished and matured into this breathtaking Mediterranean Fitness Village.

Always Aspiring to be Awesome
This is more than a job. This is our LIFESTYLE. 29 years later we are still OBSESSED with improving every week, every month and every year. We love what we do and honor the team we perform with. We are humbled and proud to have won the“Best of Chico” 28 years in a row. Tenaciously we plan to win it again. Team. Family. Love. Pride.

In Mo Family - A Culture of Positivity
We hire and surround ourselves with kind, caring, hard working, optimistic individuals that embody a supportive, comfortable, fun environment for teammates and for members. We feel honored to be a part of the In Mo Family and culture.

Clarity of Vision
Creating a deeper meaning for both design and function. We offer a painstakingly curated mix of neo-mediterranean architecture, inspiring artwork, tropical palm trees, state-of-the-art equipment, Caribbean colored pools, and a life-time of wholesome fitness.

Dedication. Community. Impactful.
Making a difference is inevitably important to us. To ultimately and definitely change and improve our Chico community is why we so passionately do what we do. We’re still hungry, chasing perfection and in constant pursuit of new levels. Small Town Charm. World Class Fitness.

Work Ethic. Together. Team.
We honor the hard work ethic, the daily grind and the professionalism of our entire dream team, including all 12 departments and a workforce of 200. Please enjoy and appreciate the attention to detail and the daily pursuit of “Five Diamond Cleanliness”. From our facilities and engineering teams, the lifelong gym dedication to their craft from our Group Ex, Aqua and Fitness instructors and the impeccable member service for all 12 departments.