A Trend Setting Fitness Phenomenon
Enchanting. Picturesque. Trendsetting.
Open 7 days/week:
- Monday - Friday 6:00am - 10:00pm
- Saturday & Sunday at 6:30am
Safe. Secure. Well lit.
Dazzling colored RGB light show every morning and evening.
Soak up the sun. Enjoy fresh air, the elements, and nature every day!
Parkour and parcourse stations along the track.
We shopped for the World’s best and discovered KOMPAN. Outdoor equipment made in the Czech Republic. Featuring specialized magnetic resistance kettlebells, and core poles, outdoor TRX bands, obstacle course stations, jump boxes, rope climbs, parallel bins, rigs, sit up benches and more more. QR codes and display boards show multitudes of exercises.

Under the Tents
Six powerlifting racks, rigs, free weights, plate loaded weight equipment and cardio compliment these massive tent covered training zones.

Walk, jog, lunge, stroll or sprint this artistically landscaped 880’ oval track. Olympic grade, shock absorbing, 3 layer rubber track material for longevity. 100 yard sprint track, 40 yard dash timer with agility ladders and lined stripes on track.

Outdoor Boutique Fitness Studio
A nook off of the running track with smith machines, bench press, beaver fit rig, rhino coated kettlebells, dumbbells, etc. Check out the graffiti art mural inspired by Venice Beach, CA.

Major Muscle Group Stretches

Simply follow the display board and stations for a complete, head-to-toe stretch. From carpal tunnel to hamstrings. QR codes also available to show specific movements.
We bring imagination & innovation to your fitness journey
Internationally acclaimed and locally voted Chico’s best health club for 31 years and running!