Main Weight Room

The main hub of free weight training
Featuring five powerlifting racks, olympic lifting platforms and tons of free weight equipment. Completely remodeled with stage lighting and inspired by Chico’s Upper Park and Endless Summer Theme.

In Motion’s Secondary Weight Room.
Stacked with free weights, bench press stations, plate loaded equipment, smith machines and everything you’ll need to elevate your strength.
West Free Weight Room
Outdoor Weight Room

Six Rogue Lifting Stations.
Olympic plates, free weights and more equipment overlooking five gorgeous pools.

Cardio Theater
Fitness Promenade

Five water arches inside the promenade.
Enjoy a fiber optic water shower while using one of the twelve state-of-the-art FreeMotion circuit weight machines. Cable technology allows pull movements in every direction.

Welcome to weight equipment paradise.
Work every muscle group and choose from an abundance of machines in our west circuit and east circuit weight rooms.
East & West Circuit Weight Room
The Skyroom

A tantalizing functional fitness studio inspired by views of Hollywood, tropical beaches and date palm trees from a 2nd story perspective.

This two story bamboo-rainforest styled studio is equipped with kettlebells, dumbbells, climbing rigs, plyo boxes, boxing bags and smith machines.
Womens Only

Cardio. Strength. Stretching. Core.
The perfect place for a warm up or an entire workout. Privately located within the Women’s Locker Room. Mom can view her child in Kid’s In Motion, via split monitor for complete peace of mind.

Outdoor Boutique Fitness Studios
A nook off the running track with smith machines, bench press, beaver fit rig, rhino coated kettlebells, dumbbells, etc. Check out the graffiti art mural inspired by Venice Beach, CA.
Muscle Beach
We bring imagination & innovation to your fitness journey
Internationally acclaimed and locally voted Chico’s best health club for 31 years and running.